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Take Your Ventilation to the Next Level

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Fall is a good time to take a look at the ventilation system in your home. As you change from summer cooling to winter heating, you can take a look at your HVAC system and ducts, and as you transition from the wet season to dry season, it’s a good time to evaluate whether you have any moisture problems.

Seattle, WA Home-Ventilation-ServicesHere are three ways to improve your home ventilation for the fall season.

Have Your Ducts Checked and Cleaned

If you have your HVAC system serviced in the fall in anticipation of winter, ask the HVAC tech to take a look at your duct system.

If you have dirty ducts or blockages, or if there is excessive moisture in your ducts, it can wreak havoc on the ventilation in your home.

An profession inspection can reveal any problems you may have, and those that are found can be taken care of by your HVAC professional.

Check Your Attic and Crawlspace

Two areas of your Seattle home that can play a big role in how good your ventilation is are your attic and crawlspace.

Either of these two areas can wind up with moisture problems, and poor ventilation in your attic can lead to problems heating and cooling your Seattle home. Fall is a good time to check these areas to see if they have adequate ventilation.

If the ventilation fan in your attic doesn’t seem to be working right, you should have it inspected by a professional. In many homes, there is inadequate or no ventilation in the crawlspace, an issue that needs professional attention as well.

Ensure Your Range Hood is Working Properly

As the seasons move from summer to fall, you are likely to do more cooking inside, which means it’s important to use the ventilation fan in your range hood.

The ventilation fan in your range hood helps to vent out any smoke from your cooking, which improves ventilation in your home. If your ventilation fan does not seem to be working properly, you should have it checked out by a professional.

Heeding these and other suggestions will help you improve your home’s ventilation in fall, which is important, because as the temperatures continue to drop, you will start shutting your home up tight for winter, and bad ventilation can make that a miserable three months.

Call Gene Johnson Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Electrical today at 206.792.7495 to get the proper ventilation that you deserve in your Seattle, WA home.