With the lazy days of summer just around the corner, a reliable A/C unit is quickly going to be a necessity.
Your A/C unit is comprised of numerous highly technical parts, which means that you need to take care to make sure that everything is functioning as it should.
While cleaning your condenser outside is an easy DIY job, the rest of A/C repair and maintenance is a job that requires professional training, so call for help.
Here are some useful tips on what steps on how you can get started at home to make sure that your A/C is in tip top shape this season.
Is it Time to Replace?
Unfortunately, your air conditioner will not last forever.
Depending on the quality and brand of your unit, you can expect at least 10 years’ service, and in some cases even more.
But how do you know when it is time to get a new one?
Some common warning signs include:
- an inability to cool your home evenly
- musty or foul odors coming from the unit
- pooling water
- obstructed air flow
- air not cooling properly or strange noises
Don’t ignore these red flags.
Annual Inspection
If you are not in the habit of getting A/C service every year, this is definitely the year to start. Dust and dirt will get generated as your system operates, which makes it work harder than it has to.
Having an inspection and cleaning done annually not only promotes energy efficiency, it gives you peace of mind.
During service, your system components will be inspected for damage or brewing problems, giving you the chance to repair them before the thermostat spikes.
Thermostat Settings
As a rule of thumb, try to keep your thermostat as high as you can bear during the summer months.
It may not seem like a big deal, but every degree you drop it, you are using far more energy which is going to increase your energy bills.
Ideally, if you can keep it at 78°F you are in an efficient zone.
There are other lower-cost ways to keep cool.
Use a fan to circulate air. Close drapes during the day to keep the heat of the sun outside.
If it is cool enough at nighttime, turn the A/C off and open the windows for natural cooling.