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Heating Technologies For the Modern Home

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Technology has brought us a long way. The appliances that clean our clothes cook our food, and heat our homes have come a long way too. There is a heating technology for every type of home. Whether it’s solar, geothermal, heat pumps, oil, gas or electric, there is a heating technology suitable for every home.

The climate where you live, the size of your home, your location are all factors to consider when choosing a type of heating technology. In 2017, the US. Energy Information Administration reported that Americans consume 7% of the total U.S. energy consumption. Using energy efficiently with smart heating systems can increase efficiency by driving down energy costs.

Solar Heating

Solar heating is a heating technology that heats a fluid using solar energy. Solar heat can be sent indoors or is stored for use in the future. Solar power uses heat energy from the sun that is on top of your roof.

A fan on the roof will draw warm air and transport it through a filter before it is distributed throughout the house. It is very affordable and energy efficient.

Geothermal Heating

Geothermal heating describes a process that extracts heat from the core of the earth to provide heating and cooling. It uses much less electricity than standard systems so you can save a bundle on your heating bill. Another advantage of geothermal heating systems is they will last more than fifty years, probably longer than you’ll occupy the home.

A geothermal heat pump will use the earth’s heat to warm your home in the winter and transfer this extracted heat from the home back to the cooler earth in the summer. Many homes use geothermal water from the center of the earth for heating and in greenhouses, it is used for growing plants.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps carry warm air from where it’s needed or where it’s not. In cold temperatures, heat pumps extract outdoor heat and transfer it indoors. In warm temperatures, it does the opposite, similar to an air conditioner.

Heat pumps move heat; they don’t generate it. This results in excellent cost efficiency, together with the fact that they are powered by electricity. Heat pumps provide long-lasting heating and cooling that is more affordable than the traditional heating and cooling appliances.

Oil Heating

Oil heating refers to the use of liquid petroleum as a fuel source. It begins inside a fire chamber where oil is kindled. A heat exchanger then heats the gases passing through the components of the heating system.

Heat is taken from the home and transported through the heat exchanger causing warm air to move through ducts in the home that is then distributed throughout the house.


Gas Heating

Gas heating is another reliable way to heat homes and businesses. Heating efficiency is about half of what electric heating costs. Natural gas is delivered from a forced-air system at high temperatures. Using gas appliances can reduce energy costs and many utility providers offer rebates for additional savings. From costly, hi-tech systems to moderately priced ones, gas heat meets the minimum efficiency criteria.

Electric Heating

A heating system that is suitable for milder climates is electric heating. This type of heating uses electricity as the fuel source, is very resilient and requires very little maintenance. An electric heat pump offers excellent energy efficiency. They do double duty by providing cooling and heating. Maintenance of electric heating systems is simple.

Call the experts at Gene Johnson Heating, Cooling, Plumbing and Electrical in Seattle, WA to get expert advice regarding the various heating technologies and which one is suitable for your home.